The need to stay healthy is very important but people are not ready to take up the responsibilities that is required to have a good health and well-being. Our daily selection of activities actually determine how healthy we are. Although, we cannot control our state of healthiness but the choices we make and our attitude towards living healthy can be a determining factor.

There are some areas we have control of, which includes our diet and nutrition, exercise and fitness, rest and personal hygiene. All these can have an enormous effect on our health and can be important factors in the prevention of diseases and other health problems later on.

For instance, proper and balance diet is a boost to the immune system of the body and can help in the fight against diseases. A lot of times we consume foods that are not suitable for the body and by doing so, we are at risk of having health issues. However, taking the right food and observing adequate body exercise can provide the body with the necessary rudiments needed to fight and combat diseases.

            There are some diseases that an adequate and balance diet can prevent and they include:

  • Various kinds of cancer such as kidney cancer, postrate cancer, cancer of the lungs and so on.
  • High blood pressure and hypertension
  • Heart diseases
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes

Also, proper rest also contributes a lot to the well-being of the body. It refreshes the body particularly after exhaustion and tiredness and provides strength to perform daily activities effectively. It does not only affect the body but the brain as well. For the brain to stay active and functioning, there is need for adequate rest.

In addition, good rest, balanced diet and adequate exercise does not only contribute to the physical well-being of the body but as well as the psychological welfare. It has the ability to affect the mood. Good exercise can create an energetic feeling and enables you to perform any task with enthusiasm and maximum drive. Also a stable diet and good rest can help reduce stress and enhance the activity of the brain.

Depression and anxiety which are one of the main issues associated with mental health can be prevented with a healthy living. Also, risk of obesity and other issues associated with weight and fitness of the body can be avoided by adequate exercise.

Finally, in a search for a stable health, it is necessary to seek medical advice periodically as this puts you in check and ensures you are living healthy in the best way as possible.

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