How to identify your addiction triggers

One of the biggest challenges that people in addiction recovery face is having to deal with their triggers. When it comes to addiction triggers, they manifest differently for different individuals.

For instance, someone might get triggered to drink when they attend a party and alcohol is being served there. In some cases, they might be facing a great deal of stress at work, and taking alcohol might feel like the only solution.

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Even though it might be hard to completely avoid triggers, you need to be more conscious about knowing them so that you can make the right decisions that will ensure your sobriety in the long term.

Know how addiction develops

To know how to spot your addiction triggers, you need to learn how addiction develops. This might need the external help of a counselor or therapist because they are usually in the best position to explain it to you. When they conduct an in-depth evaluation of your situation, they can give you a custom-fit reason why you became addicted.

Be familiar with the symptoms of addiction triggers

Not all addiction triggers apply to everyone. This means that what triggers individual A might not affect individual B. However, you need to know the general symptoms that come with addiction triggers so that when you begin to experience them, you will know what is happening to you.

Keep in touch with the addiction counselor or therapist

If you are in addiction recovery or you are sober, it is crucial not to neglect the support that an addiction counselor or therapist gives. When you meet regularly with these health professionals, they will be able to notice any pattern that comes with addiction triggers.

When you miss the old days of addiction

Another way to identify your addiction triggers is when you begin to miss the days when you enjoyed the thrill that came with addiction.

If you find yourself reminiscing about the time when you were addicted, then it is a strong indication that you might likely return to your addiction.

Four Factors That Trigger Addiction

There is no certain way to predict who will get addicted to substances in the future, but there are some indicators. There are factors that over time have proven to lead to addiction among people. These factors are known to sometimes trigger addiction in people vary.

Although the factors that contribute to substance addiction by a person is dependent on the particular situation.

These basic factors like an abusive parent or an addicted relative have led to addiction in many cases. Therefore, this article will highlight some factors that trigger addiction.

These four factors include;

  • Addicted Friends and Family

One very common trigger of addiction is having an addicted person close to you. A person who has a drug addict parent or close friend who abuses drugs is more likely to get addicted. This is because there is a high chance that such a person would be encouraged to try drugs and even abuse them.

  • Mental Disorder

A person with a mental disorder has a high chance of becoming an addict. Their anxiety causes so much pain and confusion to them that drugs and alcohol presents an escape from all of that.

So, mentally unstable people tend to use drugs to cope with mental stress, which could lead to addiction.

  • Childhood Trauma

Drug or alcohol for some people is solace from all the hurt and pain they feel in life. It gives them a temporary release or escape from trauma and hurt. Therefore, people who have a very traumatic childhood tend to result in substance addiction.

  • Early Exposure to Drugs and Alcohol

Exposing a young child or teenager to drugs or alcohol at an early age increases the possibility of abuse. This is because the brains cells for self-control is still in the development stage and young people are prone to take more risks.

Therefore, the earlier a person is exposed to drugs usage, the higher the chances of possible addiction.

In summary, identifying these factors that trigger addiction shows that substance addiction can be reduced or curtailed in certain situations.

Addiction is not an immediate occurrence, but a bad habit that builds up over time. Therefore, watch out for these factors, even as we aim to curtail substance addiction in society. 

Qualities of Sober Friends

On an addict’s journey to recovery from substance addiction, having sober friends is vital for he/she to fully recover.

It helps them remember that they are others who have gone through their experience and came out well. Having sober friends also gives them good support in case of relapse and in times of difficulty.

But it is also important to know how to identify these friends. An addict needs to know the traits to look for in a person that make them a sober friend. Therefore, this article will discuss some qualities to identity in a sober friend.

These qualities include;

  • Honesty

If you are spending time with people during your recovery; you do not want friends who do not tell you the truth.

You do not want people who only tell you want to hear. You should go for friends who are honest and would tell you if you are doing something which can harm your recovery process.

  • Supportive

You must have supportive friends during your recovery. Sober friends are people who support you and are there to help you through the recovery process. It could be psychological or even physical support because you will need all the support you can get.

  • Encouraging

Sober friends are also very encouraging people. This is a vital trait of a sober friend because the recovery won’t always be easy. There could be hard days and possible relapse, but you need people who will continue to encourage you through it all.

These people encourage you to attend therapy, not to skip sessions or medication, and encourage you that the process will be a success.

  • Patience

Sober friends are also patient people. To support and encourage recovering addicts through their recovery process you have to be patient with them. There may be times when the recovering addict might lash out or act angrily, but in patience, sober friends continue to support.

  • Accountability

Sober friends are accountable people. They have to be accountable in their own lives, for them to be able to hold you accountable for your recovery. Accountability helps to ensure a recovering addict remains on the right track and does not deviate from sobriety.

So, these are some traits of a sober friend, ones you should identify in people around you during your recovery. These qualities are important in helping a recovering addict overcome addiction and remain clean.


The best thing that can happen to any individual is having the right set of friends around him or her. Sober friends are individuals that encourage you to live healthily, by implementing safe health practices.

Having friends who are not sober could be disastrous, people like that encourage you to start abusing substances or behaviors. Before you know it, you become addicted.

This is why, when people go to a rehab for addiction treatment, the therapist has huge interest in the kind of friends they keep. Friends have the capacity to make or mar you, and it is important to know the potential role they play in your life.

Getting genuine friends is not a herculean task, all that is needed is to properly observe those whose activities are helpful to your health and wellbeing.

When you are friends with someone who is addicted to sex, you can be sure that in due time, you will be influenced and you could become a sex addict in the nearest future.

Friends are building blocks to our future and we cannot do without them. So, for those who think it is better to stay on their own instead of mingling, have got it all wrong.

Having sober friends helps you to become the best version of your friends. These set of people would be cross with you if you do not do the right thing.

Imagine having a friend who has to call you early in the morning so that you can go for a 30-minutes jog. 

Friends like that are interested in your health and they want you to get better. So, they will go lengths to ensuring that you do well in all facets of life.

You can always rely on sober friends because you have the same belief system. No one is an island of knowledge; they might have the solution to the problem you have been trying to figure out.

Certainly, sober friends would not serve as an encumbrance, they also want to get better so that they can positively impact you.


Resting well is advantageous and it is a concept of our health that needs to be taking seriously.

Some individuals pride themselves in the act of skipping their rest schedule because they have seemingly important tasks that should be attended to.

What they are oblivious of is, their health is being affected in the process.

Do you know that when you do not rest well, you are giving room for low performance and productivity in whatever you do?

Below are some benefits that come with resting:

Improved learning and enhanced memory: During the process of resting, the brain has little or no things focused on. Even though you are not sleeping at this point, your brain is in a state of rest.

You can be listening to music at this point or even sleeping. This enables you to learn all that you have processed during the day and store them effectively.

Get solutions to problems: Possibly, the reason why you have not found solution to the problem you have been battling with, is because you have not found time to rest.

When you put your brain to rest, it becomes refreshed and enables you to think properly, thereby arriving at a solution that you have been stressing to get.

Improved mood: Our mood does not remain constant at all times. One minute we might be happy and cheerful and the next, we could be sad and discouraged. For your mood to be great at all times, you need to rest.

This might look unachievable, but it would interest you to know that, it is possible. To prevent mental health problems associated with moods like depression and anxiety, it is important to rest.

All the above-mentioned points are quintessential and it is vital that they are implemented. No matter how busy your schedule might be, it is important to give rest a top priority in your life.

You never might know the health problem that would be avoided with an ample amount of time used to rest.



A healthy lifestyle can be regarded as one which helps an individual to keep and enhance his health and well-being. There are a good number of things which can be done to have a healthy lifestyle which includes: healthy eating, achieving a physically healthy state, having a healthy weight, controlling your stress levels amongst others.

Now, it should be noted that living a healthy lifestyle does not just have to do with eating healthy and undergoing exercise, it also involves catering for your mental, emotional and physical well-being.

There are many regular ways on how to live a healthy lifestyle, however, it is slightly different for everyone. Although, irrespective of the choice you make as regards this, living a healthy lifestyle is a basic component to preventing disease, having a long lifespan and wellness.

Below are some essential tips to a healthy lifestyle:

  • Drink much water: A good number of people do not take water every day, and they do not know that water has various important roles to play in our bodies. Water is necessary to perform body functions, eliminate waste and transport nutrients and oxygen round the body. Since water is lost every day through our daily activities, there is an important need to refill it.
  • Have enough sleep: Not having enough sleep could lead to many health problems which include: diabetes, obesity and heart disease. It could also affect the immune system of the body. Stimulants such as nicotine and caffeine should always be avoided when it is close to bedtime, in order to make you sleep well. Also, alcohol should not be taken when it is close to bedtime.
  • Exercise on a regular basis: Although most people might not be able to exercise daily, based on the fact that they have busy schedules, it does not change the fact that it is necessary that it can be done few times a week. Exercising regularly increases the lifespan, and reduces the risk of you coming down with disease. Having exercise combines working out on a healthy purpose, and still having fun at the same time.
  • Take more vegetables and fruits: Fruits and vegetables have lots of minerals and vitamins which are very useful to the body. These substances help in eliminating the unwanted toxic substances in our bodies.



The need to stay healthy is very important but people are not ready to take up the responsibilities that is required to have a good health and well-being. Our daily selection of activities actually determine how healthy we are. Although, we cannot control our state of healthiness but the choices we make and our attitude towards living healthy can be a determining factor.

There are some areas we have control of, which includes our diet and nutrition, exercise and fitness, rest and personal hygiene. All these can have an enormous effect on our health and can be important factors in the prevention of diseases and other health problems later on.

For instance, proper and balance diet is a boost to the immune system of the body and can help in the fight against diseases. A lot of times we consume foods that are not suitable for the body and by doing so, we are at risk of having health issues. However, taking the right food and observing adequate body exercise can provide the body with the necessary rudiments needed to fight and combat diseases.

            There are some diseases that an adequate and balance diet can prevent and they include:

  • Various kinds of cancer such as kidney cancer, postrate cancer, cancer of the lungs and so on.
  • High blood pressure and hypertension
  • Heart diseases
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes

Also, proper rest also contributes a lot to the well-being of the body. It refreshes the body particularly after exhaustion and tiredness and provides strength to perform daily activities effectively. It does not only affect the body but the brain as well. For the brain to stay active and functioning, there is need for adequate rest.

In addition, good rest, balanced diet and adequate exercise does not only contribute to the physical well-being of the body but as well as the psychological welfare. It has the ability to affect the mood. Good exercise can create an energetic feeling and enables you to perform any task with enthusiasm and maximum drive. Also a stable diet and good rest can help reduce stress and enhance the activity of the brain.

Depression and anxiety which are one of the main issues associated with mental health can be prevented with a healthy living. Also, risk of obesity and other issues associated with weight and fitness of the body can be avoided by adequate exercise.

Finally, in a search for a stable health, it is necessary to seek medical advice periodically as this puts you in check and ensures you are living healthy in the best way as possible.