Oral Care

good oral careHealth almanacs contain helpful information on the life cycles of human teeth. This information is valuable to the pursuit of good oral hygiene and health. We all know there are many problems that improper care for teeth can lead to, and applying the dental care information found in a health almanac can stop a number of problems before they begin, such as:

  • Teeth are made of calcium and enamel. The calcium is the hard bone material of teeth, and enamel is the outer layer of tissue that protects the tooth. We understand how to keep calcium levels high in order to strengthen teeth, but we are still learning how enamel works and how it might be replaced once it is lost.
  • Several foods that are high in calcium and thus good for your teeth are kale, broccoli, milk and yogurt. Keeping your calcium intake high will strengthen teeth against age and decay.
  • Several foods that are bad for your teeth are red wine due to its acidity, ice when it is chewed because it makes teeth brittle, anything containing white processed sugar and anything containing white flour.
  • The best method of caring for your teeth is using an electric tooth brush, or just being diligent about moving a manual toothbrush in proper circular motions around your teeth and your gums. It is good to do this at least twice daily, an hour after meals, followed by flossing and a swish of mouthwash.

There is a great deal you can do to care for your teeth on your own, but nothing replaces the necessary services of a quality dentist. Dentists and oral hygienists have the tools and the knowledge to prevent tooth decay, gingivitis and other tooth diseases. The cleanings and cavity prevention that the dentist contributes to are necessary to the health of your teeth. In Canada, the dental industry is one of the best in the world, and whether you require a dentist in the Okanagan Valley, Montreal or Toronto, you will not be disappointed by what is available to you.

Read More at okanagandentist.com/

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